1.      Making right decision means----      (selecting appropriate alternative from the available alternatives.)
2.      Seniors behaving in a morally upright manner  set an example for employees to follow. This leads to good workplace ethics.-                    (Agree)
3.      Carefull and attentive listening is an essential part of developing effective interpersonal skills.(Agree)
4.      Preparing a checklist of your tasks shows that----         (you wish to complete them on time.)
5.      A presentation satisfies the prime need of __________ on various subjects between either two people or a group of people.  (communication)
6.      If you cultivate a habit of reasoning out things with yourself or with friends and comrades,  ----(you realise that there is nothing serious at the base of these feelings.)
7.      sameer calls his friend and relatives frequently when he is an office. This Indicate That------He is misusing the company time.
8.      When you communicate with a person who is not actually present in front of you, you use best of your interpersonal skills. (Disagree)
9.      I can not do what I or others expect because the expectations are unrealistic. This indicates----(Pessimistic attitude)
10. You delay the expected action on the things you have planned. This indicates that ---- (you procrastinete the things.)
11. I control my anger and handle the difficult situation. I know how to manage my stress.       (Agree)
12. What is more important is splitting the larger goals in life into ------ (small achievable targets.)
13. When we prepare any presentation, we should give priority to ---              (the content of the presentation)
14. If your mind does not accept the goal you have decided, it will ----. (start giving excuses about achieving the goal)
15. If you set a goal for yourself and in the due course of time you find it difficult to achive your goal. What will you doSplit it in to smaller and achievable target
16. Sanjeev always joins the office meetings late. This means---- (he doesn't respect others' time which is not acceptable workplace ethics.)
17. The statement ---------- will help your friend in building trust in you.(You will never give away your friends secrets.)
18. You visit a dam with your friends. You see there warning signs on the banks of the dam stating that swimming is prohibited. One of your friends suggests that you should take a dip in the water and play some water games. You would----            (stop your friends from going to swim)
19. In the organization, there is a collective responsibility of completing a given job in a specific time. This is broadly called a ------.  (Plan)
20. Jealousy makes the person ----.       (Incapable of appreciating good in others)
21. Preparing a to-do list helps you to ----- (prioratise your tasks as per the availabel time.)
22. Spending some time in planning your day is ------ (good as it enables you to utilize the available time productively.)
23. Taking responsibility for your actions is a major factor when it comes to workplace ethics.  This is(Accountability)
24. Short term goals can be accomplished in ---- (in a year)
25. ____________ is the most important component of making successful presentations.       (Preparation)
26. To identify negativity in you ----. (Speak about your weakness with your friends)
27. When you join a new friend circle, there is nothing wrong in ---      (Proudly presenting your talents)
28. In a presentation, you should accept different views of different people. This shows your --- (positive attitude and positive acceptance of critical feedback.)
29. Meena saw her colleague's mailbox open when her colleague was not in her place. What should be Meean'sreacion to this?             (Meena should inform this to her colleague on her return.)

                                                                                              Thank You


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